JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is a leadership development program that prepares high school students for success through discipline, teamwork, and citizenship. Our mission is to “Motivate young people to be better citizens.”
New Cadet Information
Cadet Expectations
Uniform & Grooming Standards
• Cadets must wear the uniform properly on designated days.
• Hair must meet grooming regulations (varies by service branch).
• Shoes must be polished, and badges must be properly placed.
• Cadets will be inspected for uniform compliance.
Code of Conduct
• Show respect to instructors and fellow cadets.
• Follow the chain of command.
• Uphold integrity, discipline, and teamwork.
Physical Training (PT) Requirements
• PT takes place on [Insert Days].
• Wear the designated PT uniform.
• Participation is mandatory unless medically excused.
Rank Structure & Promotion
Understanding the JROTC rank structure is crucial for leadership growth.
🔹 Promotion Criteria
• Attendance & Participation: Cadets must be active in the program.
• Leadership & Responsibility: Show initiative and commitment.
• Academic Performance: Maintain a passing grade in JROTC classes.
• Drill & PT Scores: Meet the required performance standards.
Curriculum & Training
JROTC follows a structured curriculum called Leadership Education and Training (LET).
🔹 Course Breakdown
• LET 1 (First Year): Introduction to JROTC, Drill & Ceremony, Citizenship
• LET 2 (Second Year): Leadership Skills, Decision Making, Teamwork
• LET 3 (Third Year): Command Responsibilities, Public Speaking, Planning
• LET 4 (Fourth Year): Senior Leadership, Mentoring, Career Preparation
Drill & Ceremony Basics
[Video Coming soon]
Events & Important Dates
Stay updated with our calendar of events, competitions, and leadership camps.
[Download Cadet Handbook] (coming soon)
Uniform Care Guide
Uniform items should be pressed with an ordinary iron at a setting that is proper for the material (usually low heat). The black coats, shirts, and pants must be pressed with a press cloth to avoid a permanent shine. A press cloth is a lint-free cloth that is placed between the garment and the iron. Brown paper, such as from a grocery sack can be used in place of the cloth if it is sprinkled lightly with water. There are no special creases required in JROTC uniforms although the drill teams may require military press in shirts used for competitions.
In general, following the instructions on the label when washing uniform items. Khaki uniforms and white shirts can be washed with normal clothing of the same type. White shirts should be bleached with non-chlorine bleach such as Clorox II. Chlorine bleaches will cause the shirts to turn gray and should not be used. Black uniform items, if washable at all, must be washed on gentle cycle or by hand in cool or cold water, and in mild detergent. These dark items may be dried on low heat and perm-press setting but should be removed before the end of the cycle. Press as above.
Dry Cleaning
Any commercial dry cleaner may be used for JROTC uniforms.
The black uniform shoes must be shined to a high gloss, using black paste wax. Do not use liquid shoe polish as it will eventually crack, and you will then be required to remove it completely. The polish normally comes in a small tin and is applied with an applicator or better, a soft cloth such as an old T-shirt. A small amount of polish is rubbed into the leather and then buffed lightly. This must be repeated many times on new shoes. Other cadets can help you with this. After the upper part of the shoe is polished, you should take and old toothbrush dipped lightly in shoe polish and go around the exposed part of the shoe sole to blacken it and to get rid of dust in the indentations.
Only solid brass items such as the belt buckle should be polished. Do not polish JROTC bars, rank insignia, or uniform buttons, etc.; these are plated and will be ruined by metal polish. Clean them with soap and water if necessary. The brass belt buckle must be polished when it becomes scratched or corroded. Brasso or similar products will work after, and clear coating has been removed. Removing the coating from a new buckle can be accompanied by soaking it in household ammonia for several minutes. The coating should then peel off easily.
Contact Us
Have questions? Reach out to our JROTC instructors: